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Onions sets

Onions sets are grown in various regions throughout the Netherlands. Onions sets bridge the gap in the market between the end of the old harvest of seed onions and the start of the new season. This makes them interesting produce for many growers to supplement their existing cultivation plan. We are happy to advise growers in their choice of TOP planting material.

PPA offers a wealth of experience in this area. For many years, PPA has had its own, extensive demo-fields for early onion set varieties. This land is used to grow around ten different varieties of early onion sets, on a practical scale (minimum 1 hectare per variety!). The onions are grown under 100% identical conditions.

PPA applies this approach to form a sound, practically-based comparison of the various varieties. Our method involves weekly registration of a range of traits such as earliness, condition of the foliage, root development, bulb formation, weight etc. throughout the entire season.

We organise an annual open day when these trial fields are open for inspection.